Ensher alexander and barsoom sarcamento ca
Ensher alexander and barsoom sarcamento ca

ensher alexander and barsoom sarcamento ca

In 1683, King Charles II relied on the Crown's quo warranto powers to dramatically curtail the growing independence of the City of London. Formal authority to initiate a quo warranto action was transferred to the Attorney General by King Henry VIII in a 16th Century court reform measure intended to streamline the action. Their ongoing struggle both strengthened central government in a time when nation- states were being formed and promoted the growth of due process and individual freedom. (Baker, An Introduction to English Legal History (1979) pp. The independence of the barons had grown after they compelled the king to sign the Magna Carta, and the king's use of the writ helped to reassert regal power-and enhance royal wealth-at the expense of the barons, since many feudal charters could not be documented. Wide use was made of quo warranto by King Edward I after the year 1274 to challenge local barons and lords who held lands or title on questionable authority. Quo warranto was originally used as a writ filed by early English monarchs to challenge claims of royal subjects to an office or franchise supposedly granted by the crown. Courts have held that quo warranto is a “plain, speedy and adequate" remedy for this purpose. Quo warranto actions-which in almost all instances provide the only method to challenge a claim to public office-have proven to be an effective means of preserving the integrity of public office while minimizing the threat of unlimited litigation for those holding office. California law provides that the action may be brought either by the Attorney General or by others acting with the consent of the Attorney General. Quo warranto (Latin for *by what authority") is a legal action most typically brought to resolve disputes concerning the right to hold public office or exercise a franchise.

Ensher alexander and barsoom sarcamento ca